
writers keep writing

Monday's Mug 017

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Hello friends! Welcome back to my Monday Mug. It is hot here in the Midwest, and summer has arrived. It is excellent outside before 7 am and after 7 pm, but without a breeze, the daytime temps can take it out of you. Our weather has been strange this year we had a lot of rain in May. I am settling down with my cup of tea tonight. I will get you some if you would like. 

If we had a mug, I’d tell you I feel like I am being tested this year in what I know about my limits. I volunteered to do something outside of my comfort zone when it comes to social media. Doing media in this way was a risk for me to see what I could produce and what type of progress I could make for this client. It made me see how much I could be there for someone else.  I loved helping them with the successes of their business. It was a victory for me in more ways than one, and I hope it will lead to future endeavors.

If we had a mug, I’d tell you about doing the NYC Midnight Challenge for micro-fiction in May because we haven’t spoken since in a while. It was so much fun and a lot harder than I expected. I was given an action, a genre, and a word to use. I enjoy prompts, and because I have been a prompt addict for a long time, so this was perfect. The part I didn’t realize would be so hard is cutting down my word count. I focused on every word I used and what purpose the term served to my story. 

If we had a mug, I would tell you how great superstars for StoryADay have been. People were talking all the time about writing, which was terrific. I live in a more isolated area where there are not many writers locally, and with Covid-19 restrictions, a lot of groups have been going online. I love that StoryADay exists for the community to writers all over the world. There are writers all over the world. It is exciting to meet new people. 

I have been learning about myself this last week and how I haven’t been there for myself in a real and loving way. I want to accomplish many dreams, and I know I’m in my way. I have learned I will go to the moon to encourage someone else and help them believe in their dream, but I haven’t believed in my own. It is time for a change. 

In the meantime, just write.