
writers keep writing

The 73 Questions

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I was nominated by my writer friend Tammy for this challenge inspired from a Vogue Magazine Series which interviews celebrities and other public figures. The questions are designed to allow you know more about my likes and lifestyle. Who doesn’t love to answer fun questions?

1. What’s your usual Starbucks order?

I like to change it up, so I usually try out all the seasonal drinks. When I have tried them all, then I got back to my vanilla latte with coconut milk. 

2. What does your workstation look like?

I have one of those desk cabinets from the 90s with doors. It usually has my computer and stack of books and papers I am working on. 

3. Favorite food?

Sushi is the best thing ever!

4. Favorite authors?

Two favorites this week are Davis Bunn and Pam Jenoff.

5. What do you think of open relationships?

I think they are not for me. 

6. What is your favorite video game?

Duck Hunt!

7. Guilty pleasure treat?


8. Favorite movie?

Pride and Prejudice the 2005 version

9. Favorite book?

Children’s: The Story of Ferdinand (always)

Grownup: Educated by Tara Westover (this year)

10. Twitter, or Instagram?


11. Desktop or laptop?

Laptop or paper.

12. Best advice you’ve ever received?

You can do whatever you set your mind to. 

13. What project are you working on right now?

I am working on short stories that are sci-fi.

14. Favorite color?


15. Did you get good grades in school?

Yes, I did.

16. Dream job?

Writing full time

17. Play any sports?

No, I used to play basketball and danced.

18. Do you have a degree?

Yes a couple

19. Nationality?

German, Irish, and French. 

20. What is your favorite kind of blog post?

A day in the life or list.

21. What do you like to collect?

Marbles, books, and purses. 

22. Describe yourself in three words?

Honest, quiet, student

23. If you were a rapper, what would your stage name be?

Smilie Geez

24. Who was the last person you DM?

Someone about blogging for a website I run. 

25. What’s on top of your wish list right now?

A writing retreat 

26. Sorting house?


27. How many tattoos do you have?


28. What are you most grateful for this year?

My family, job, and home. 

29. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this month?

I got to spend some quality time with my family.

30. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you today?

I laughed so hard at work. 

31. What’s the best thing ever?


32. Favorite season?


33Favorite holiday?

Thanksgiving because I like all the food and there is not the pressure of gifts.

34. What fictional character do you relate to most?

Whichever one I am reading — I am always looking for similarities to myself.

35. Do you like surprises?


36. What’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had?

Finding out I was going to be a mom. 

37. Which surprise made you cry?

Being a mom because I was excited and terrified. 

38. What’s the best surprise you’ve given somebody else?

Surprising my family with a takeout meal. 

39. Do you like muffins?

Yes, blueberry. 

40. Do you cook often?

I do not cook often, but I like to bake a lot. 

41. What’s your favorite dessert?

Chocolate covered strawberries. 

42. Is there a dessert you don’t like?

Haven’t met one yet. 

43. Cake or pie?


44. What’s your least favorite food?

Spicy because it doesn’t like me. 

45. What’s your favorite condiment?


46. It’s 4 am on a random Saturday. What are you eating?

I cannot eat that early, so I drink tea. 

47. If you could teach a college class, what would it be called?

Apocalyptic Fiction 

48. Best animated film?


49. What has a guy done or said to impress you?

Bought me lilies and took me out to eat. 

50. The best thing to do on a first date?

I love long walks and coffee.

51. The worst thing to do on a first date?

Hanging out with a ton of people at a bar.

53. Best comic book character?

Wonder Woman 

54. Name three things which can always be found in your purse.

Pens, book, notebook.

55. Favorite drinks?

Water and Dr. Pepper

56. If you could play a historical character in a movie who would it be?

Catherine the Great I did a paper on in college she seemed interesting.

57. Kittens or puppies?


58. Favorite sushi roll?

Kissy Kissy roll 

59. What lipstick do you use?

Lip balm that is a light shade of pink.

60. What foundation do you use?

The Body Shop

61. Blow-dry or air dry?

Air dry every day. I will even wake up sooner to air dry.

62. Who is your fashion icon?

Katherine Hepburn always 

63. Favorite Disney Character?


64. What are you doing tomorrow?

I will work and write. 

65. Movie you laughed the hardest through?

The Book Club

66. A movie that made you cry?

Avengers Endgame

67. If you could sing a duet with anybody who would you choose?

Frank Sinatra 

68. If your life was a song, what would the title be?

Don’t Worry Be Happy

69. What’s your favorite animal?

Llama and tigers

70. Favorite artist?

Claude Monet 

71. The person you want to have coffee with?


72. What country would you like to visit?


73. Best way to decompress?


Thank you!