
writers keep writing

Monday's Mug The Beginning

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I would like to welcome you to my first Monday’s Mug. I call it this because I never know what is going to be in my mug. So, if you were sitting here with me today at the table in my kitchen where I have my conversations, I would ask you what you like. I have tea, coffee, and water. I look out into the fields around my home as I make you a cup of coffee.

As I start this week, I can’t help but think of how wonderful Sunday was for me, and I hope that it is just a small preview to the rest of my week. It was kind of a strange and unplanned day. You know the kind of day when you think nothing is working out, but somehow it turns out to be the most fantastic thing ever.

Would you like creamer? Sugar?

So, I have been sick for a few weeks now dealing with this allergy stuff everyone has got, and my chest was starting feel like someone sat on it. I decided to go to the doctor, but there are no urgent cares where I live, and I had a meeting for with a non-profit today, so I decided I would leave early and go to urgent care in a nearby town. 

The urgent care I wanted to go to wasn’t open, and I was super upset. I decided to go to the next town and see if I could get in there. I did finally find it, and I was a little nervous because I had never been there before. I am sitting there about three people in front of me. This older woman checked in a few minutes after I got there. The only seat left was right next to me, and she sat down. 

At first, I was just staring at everyone in the place a million story ideas were streaming before me I couldn’t catch them all. The lady seemed to be straightening her purse. She gets up throws something away and sits back down. I start to cough again as she sits back down.  

Would you like more coffee? I think I’m going to get more water. Here are some great cookies I didn’t make if you would like one.

Anyway, I am sitting there waiting, and this woman asks me what I was there for. I told her allergies and congestion like everyone else. It started something though I was not expecting. 

This conversation started that lasted for almost two hours. She talked about living up north what it was like there and how many different aspects of wildlife she experienced daily. I was a little jealous because I don’t get to see bears, and eagles all the often. She was talking about how hard it was to live in town, and I could relate. We talked about work, family, and religious beliefs. I had made a new best friend in just a short time never even knowing her name. 

It was so strange because I was so upset that I had to go to a different place and then I met this wonderful woman. It was like my soul was just opening up for those moments. I haven’t opened myself up like that in a while with someone. I wish I would have gotten her name. 

Then, I had just an hour before I had to be at the meeting where I was going to meet someone new. I am an introvert at heart in case you didn’t already know this. So, meeting people for the first time for me usually goes badly and stresses me out because I’m awkward, and they don’t know what to do with my weirdness. I can act “normal,” but the more I write, the harder it has been to work like this. 

I get there a little early, and I didn’t really talk too much at first. The woman was asking me questions, and when you start asking me what I do, I don’t shut up. I tell her about my job with the non-profit and about some of the struggles I am trying to overcome within the situation. Before I know it I am talking about my Religious Studies degree again and bonding with another stranger. The rest of the evening just flowed. Everything fell into place. 

It was just one of those great days where you meet new people, and it gives you more hope that there are good people in the world. I got the warm fuzzies. I wish we could talk all day, but I have to get back to work. 

So, until we talk again next week. Have a great day and watch something fall into place.