


The best writing advice is to write, letting nothing hold you back.

Tell the critical voice to shut up and carve out the needed time.

Be a writer for you and don’t put off one more day, because you won’t be a better writer until you start writing now. . .

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Writing Groups Help You Grow

There are amazing things called writing groups.

I have found online writing groups to be a great source in isolation.

Writers are open and authentic about their writing and lives.

You can go here for writing advice, questions, and encouragement.

Visual Prompts Help You Get Creative

Writing prompts are a great way to get your creativity turning for the writing process.

A prompt can also be used to help you practice writing in ways you never thought you would before.

I am addicted to writing prompts because they are a great way to loosen up my creativity when I'm in a writing rut.

Visual prompts are my favorite, and I will share a visual writing prompt with you each Friday.


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Writing Advice Helps You Transform Your Process

Throw all the rule books out and get words on the page.

If you need a space to write, make a space, but most of all, write.

Please do yourself a favor and write something.

One word is better than writing nothing.

Even if you just wrote one word a day, you would have 365 words by the end of the year, which is better than zero.

Give yourself a break and stop trying to be perfect or the best.

Just breathe and write.